Post by masterschamp on Sept 8, 2008 7:36:53 GMT -5
Sunday, September 7, 2008 QUADS/HAMS/CALVES
Leg Extension 100 x 20,15
Smith Squats ( to the floor) 135 x 12 185 x 10 225 x 8 275 x 6 315 x 4
Hacks 135 x 12 225 x 10 315 x 8 365 x 6
Leg Extension 100x 12 130 x 10 150 x 10
Lying Leg Curl 90 x 15 110 x 12
Seated Leg Curl 70 x 15 90 x 12 110 x 8
SL Deadlift 135 x 12 225 x 8
One Leg Curl 45 x 12
Calf Sled 100 x 30 200 x 12 300 x 10 360 x 8
Seated Calf Raise 45 x 20 90 x 12 135 x 12,10
Post by masterschamp on Sept 8, 2008 20:46:16 GMT -5
Monday, September 8, 2008 CHEST/DELTS/ABS
Inc Smith BP 135 x 15 185 x 12 225 x 10 285 x 6
Hammer Flat BP 135 x 12 225 x 10 315 x 5
Hammer Dec BP 135 x 12 225 x 12 315 x 8
DB Flyes 45 x 20,15 Dips BWT x 15,12
Seated Co-Axial Press 50 x 12 70 x 12 90 x 10 100 x 8 110 x 6
Lateral Station 20 x 15 30 x 10 40 x 8
Front Cable Raise 35 x 15,15
EZ BB Upright Row 60 x 12,12
Roman Chair 25 x 12,12 Crunch Machine 100 x 20,20 Leg Raise BWT x 20,20 BB Twists 50
Post by irons77 on Sept 9, 2008 10:21:38 GMT -5
Damn bro good workouts!! I'm wore out just reading it, haha
Post by masterschamp on Sept 11, 2008 7:37:42 GMT -5
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 BACK/R DELTS/TRAPS/ABS
1 Arm U Grip Hammer Pulldown 1 plate/side x 15 2 plates/side x 10 3 plates/side x 8
U Grip Barbell Row 135 x 12 185 x 12 225 x 12
DB Row 70 x 12 100 x 10
Seated Cable Row 200 x 10 240 x 8
Bent DB Lateral 40 x 10 50 x 10 60 x 10
Hammer Shrugs 2 plates/side x 15 3 plates/side x 12 4 plates/side x 10
Hammer Deadlift Platform 135 x 15 225 x 10 315 x 10
Weighted Hyperextension 25 x 12,12
Weighted Roman Chair 25 x 12,12 Crunch Machine 100 x 20,20 Leg Raise BWT x 20,20 BB Twists 50
Post by masterschamp on Sept 15, 2008 21:09:45 GMT -5
Sunday, September 14, 2008 QUADS/HAMS/CALVES
Smith Squats ( to the floor) 135 x 15 185 x 12 225 x 8 275 x 6
Hack Squats 2 plates/side x 10 4 plates/side x 7
Leg Extensions 100 x 15 130 x 10 150 x 10
Seated Leg Curl 100 x 12 120 x 10 130 x 8
SL Deadlift 135 x 12 225 x 8
One Leg Curl 50 x 12
Standing Calf Sled 100 x 30 200 x 20 300 x 12 360 x 8 360 x 6
Seated Calf 2 plates x 15,15,15
Post by masterschamp on Sept 15, 2008 21:19:34 GMT -5
Monday, September 15, 2008 CHEST/DELTS/ABS
Smith Machine Inc BP 135 x 15 185 x 10 225 x 6 275 x 6
Decline Hammer BP 1 plate/side x 15 2 plates/side x 10 3 plates/side x 7
Cybex Seated BP Machine 130 x 20 180 x 12 220 x 10 260 x 7
Cable Crossovers 40 x 15 50 x 12,12
Co-Axial Seated Press 50 x 15 70 x 12 90 x 6 110 x 6 120 x 6
Standing Lateral Station 20 x 12 30 x 8 40 x 8 50 x 6
Front Cable raise 40 x 10 50 x 10,10
Upright Cable Row 60 x 10,10,10
Weighted Roman Chair Sit Ups 25 x 15,15 Crunch Machine 100 x 20,20 Leg Raise BWT x 20,20 BB Twists 50
Post by rantorcha on Sept 16, 2008 12:40:42 GMT -5
Awesome stuff, MC! Just simply awesome.
Post by masterschamp on Sept 19, 2008 7:11:32 GMT -5
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 BACK/TRAPS/ REAR DELTS/ABS
U Grip Pulldown 130 x 5 180 x 12 220 x 8 230 x 6
U Grip BB Row 135 x 12 185 x 10 225 x 8 245 x 6
DB Row 80 x 12 100 x 10 120 x 6
Cable Rows 130 x 12 180 x 12
Rear Delt Machine 70 x 10 100 x 10 120 x 10
DB Shrugs 80 x 20 100 x 20,20
Hyperextensions BWT x 15,15,15
Crunch Machine 100 x 20,20 Leg Raises BWT x 20,20 BB Twists 50
Post by masterschamp on Sept 22, 2008 9:49:25 GMT -5
Friday, September 19, 2008 BICEPS/TRICEPS/ABS
Alt DB Curl 25 x 12 35 x 10 45 x 8
EZ BB Curl 75 x 10 95 x 8 105 x 6
DB Conc Curl 30 x 10,10,10
Pressdown 100 x 12 130 x 12 150 x 10
OHead EZ Ext 70 x 12 80 x 12 90 x 10
DB Kickback 30 x 12,12,12
GIANT SET ( 5 cycles)
Roman Chair Crunch Machine Leg Raise BB Twists
Post by masterschamp on Sept 22, 2008 9:55:31 GMT -5
Sunday, September 21, 2008 QUADS/HAMS/CALVES
Smith Squat ( to the floor) 135 x 10 225 x 8 285 x 6 305 x 4
Hacks ( to the bottom) 2 plates/side x 10 4 plates/side x 8
Leg Extension 120 x 10 150 x 10 210 x 10
Seated Leg Curl 90 x 10 110 x 10 130 x 8 150 x 6
SL Deadlift 135 x 15 225 x 12
One Leg Curl 60 x 10
Seated Angle Calf Sled 120 x 25 200 x 15 300 x 12 360 x 8 240 x 12 160 x 12
Seated Calf Raise 2 plates x 15,15,15
Post by masterschamp on Sept 23, 2008 7:40:57 GMT -5
Monday, September 22,2008 CHEST/DELTS/ABS
Smith Machine Inc BP 135 x 15 225 x 10 285 x 5 225 x 10 135 x 15
Hammer Dec BP 135 x 15 225 x 10 315 x 6
Cybex Seated BP 140 x 12 180 x 10 220 x 8 260 x 6
Pec Deck 70 x 12,12,15
Seated Co-Axial Press 70 x 12 90 x 6 110 x 6 130 x 6
Cable Lateral 20 x 15 30 x 10 40 x 8
Front Cable Raise 40 x 12 50 x 10 60 x 10
U Cable Row 50 x 10 60 x 10 70 x 10
Weighted Roman Chair 25 x 15,15 Crunch Machine 100 x 20,20 Leg Raise BWT x 20,20 BB Twists 50
Post by masterschamp on Sept 25, 2008 8:57:13 GMT -5
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
U Grip Pulldowns 140 x 12 180 x 10 220 x 7,6
U Grip BB Row 135 x 12 225 x 8 255 x 6
Seated 1 Arm Hammer Row 2 plates/side x 12 4 plates/side x 8
Seated Cable Row 260 x 8
Bent Cable Lateral 30 x 15 40 x 10 50 x 8
BB Shrugs 225 x 12 315 x 12,10
Weighted Hyperextensions + 25 x 12,12
GIANT SET: ( 3 rounds )
Seated Angle Calf Sled 200 x 20,15,12 Hammer Donkey Raise 200 x 12,10,9 Standing Angled Calf Sled 150 x 12,10 7
Post by Cathy on Sept 26, 2008 13:03:42 GMT -5
Great job Keith!
Did you compete at Master's National's this year? My friend Lauren Rottman competed this year and took 3rd in Women's HW BB.
Post by masterschamp on Sept 29, 2008 10:32:38 GMT -5
Friday, September 26, 2008 BICEPS/TRICEPS/ABS
Alt DB Curls 25 x 12 35 x 10 45 x 8
Plate Loaded Preacher 45 x 15 70 x 10 90 x 8
Seated Cable Curl 50 x 20,20
DB Hammer Curl 30 x 10,10
Pressdown 100 x 15 120 x 10 150 x 10
Lying EZ Extension 65 x 10 75 x 10 95 x 6
Seated Extension Station 70 x 12 80 x 12 90 x 10 100 x 10
Machine Dips 200 x 15,15
Weighted Roman Chair + 25 x 15,15 Crunch Machine 100 x 20,20 Leg Raise BWT x 20,20 BB Twists 75
Post by masterschamp on Sept 29, 2008 10:33:49 GMT -5
Sunday. September 27, 2008 QUADS/HAMS/CALVES
Leg Press ( full reps ..quads all the way back to torso) 1 plate/side x 20 2 plates/side x 10 3 plates/side x 8 4 plates/side x 7 5 plates/side x 6 6 plates/side x 6
Hacks 2 plates/side x 10 4 plates/side x6 5 plates/side x 6
Leg Extension 100 x 20 130 x 12 160 x 10
Lying Leg Curl 100 x 12 110 x 8 120 x 6
Seated Leg Curl 110 x 8 150 x 6
One Leg Curl 70 x 10
Angled Calf Sled 120 x 25 200 x 15 260 x 12 300x 8 300 x 6
Seated Calf Raise 2 plates x 15,15,15